Monday, March 7, 2011

Strawberries and Champagne Cupcakes

This past weekend I made some cupcakes for a friend of mine who has been DROOLING over certain pictures I put up on facebook a few weeks back. While I remade a batch of the grasshopper cupcakes for him (per his request -- I prefer not to look back, haha), I also tried a new flavor combination: strawberries and champagne.

Really, what's more romantic than strawberries and champagne? They're FAMOUS for going well together, and if you can put frosting on them? Well, it just makes them THAT much better!

The grasshopper ones are on the right, if you couldn't figure it out.

Anywho, they actually turned out really well! Not too sweet, which is good for the people who don't like going into sugar shock when they bite into a dessert, but still delicious! Next time I would probably put double the amount of strawberries, though...

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